The Fountain Day 123: Strength

Over the years, I have had many God dreams.  I’m talking about nights when I dream powerful things.  Sometimes, these are dreams where I face giants in my life, such as fear and disappointment.  Sometimes, the dreams help me to let go and surrender to God what is His.  Sometimes, in these dreams I find myself zeroing in on the power of the name of Jesus. 

The latter are my favorite kind.

When we moved to Oklahoma it was a big adjustment for us.  The kids had spent most of their lives in Pennsylvania, so they were completely unaware of tornadic weather.  I really hadn’t considered this fact, because I grew up in such weather and it’s normal to me…but it’s true that to them it was foreign.  During our first 6 months here, the tornado season was hard.  The kids developed some real fear.  It was hard to watch and actually increased my fear level of storms. 

How can this be?  It’s not like I haven’t grown up weathering the spring storm cycle.  I quickly discovered I needed to get a grip on my emotions when storms come.  Then one night I had a dream that changed it all.

In the dream I was outside, and I saw a tornado in the distance.  I began to run to shelter.  When I found a safe haven in what looked to be a warehouse of some sort, I then saw a tornado come very close and it had a face.  I didn’t know the person whose face it was, but when it came near me…from somewhere deep inside I spoke, “Peace, be still in Jesus’ name!!”  and the tornado immediately went away.  Then another tornado came, with another face on it and I repeated the words again as I held up my hand, “Peace, be still in Jesus’ name!!”.  This same scenario played out multiple times before the dream ended, but when it did, I knew I had my solution for facing the next big storm. 

Well, I told the family about my dream…and when the next storm did come…we used those words.  Before the storm cell even got close, we held up our hands and said, “Peace, be still in Jesus’ name!!”. 

This practice became transformational for our family.  Just last week, when storms began to come, Hannah came to me and said, “Momma, I said ‘Peace, be still in Jesus’ name.’ and the storm went away!” 

You see, we found the power.  The Power of the name of Jesus.  And with that power, came utter confidence and assurance that we can face all things.  The name of Jesus is all we need.  He is Strength. 

Now when we see storm warnings begin to roll in, we pre-eminently speak, “Peace, be still in Jesus’ name!!”.  We don’t have to wait until trouble comes…we can go stand out in the proverbial field of our lives and speak peace in Jesus’ name.   The peace the surpasses all understanding, also surpasses all circumstances, bringing calm in advance. 

When you see trouble coming, take a moment and stand in faith saying, “Peace, be still in Jesus’ name!!”

Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with His disciples.  Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat.  But Jesus was sleeping.  The disciples went and woke Him up, shouting, “Lord, save us!  We’re going to drown!”  Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid?  You have so little faith!”  Then He got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.  Matthew 8:23-26