Day 172: Showered in His Presence (June 21)

While running, I saw a shower of His Presence begin.  It rained down what looked like golden raindrops.  It was peaceful as I watched the Lord pour himself out in front of me.  Then I stepped into the vision.  I began to feel Him pouring over me like rain.  It felt like a soothing rain.  His outpouring is so pure and holy.

Much like we need to shower everyday to wash away the dirt and grime of the day, I need a daily shower of His Presence to cover me and remind me that He alone makes me clean.  He alone fulfills my every need.  He alone is my storehouse of joy.  He alone is my Rock, Redeemer, Savior and Friend.  He alone is my All in All.

When is the last time you felt showered in His Presence?  When did you last let Him wash over you?

Has life kicked up mud and dirt on your heart?  Has turmoil made you feel stuck in the mud?  Let Him wash away all of that.   Has disappointment colored your skies gray?  Let the Light of Life come in with a rainbow of His Promise.  Like a Dove, let His love circle your heart.

Unlike the showers we take to become clean, the Shower of His Presence is to leave a residue of His Spirit on us.  To give us hope.  To help us remember.  Every day I have to be reminded of Who He is so that I can confidently walk into who He created me to be.   The only way for me to do that, is to be Showered in Him.

I long to be one who is overcome by passion for the Lord.  I want to be someone who is so covered in Him that I don’t falter in my faith for what He said He will do.  I want to be different from the world because I am so completely lost in His Presence and truly have something to offer.  I want to be closer to Jesus.  To reflect His face into this lost and dying world.  Even in the church (universal) I want to remind them of Who we really serve.  I think over time and with all the changes in day to day life since Jesus walked the earth, parts of His message have been lost or looked over.  I want to follow Jesus for all He is, not all I’ve seen so far.  I believe the Bible.  When I read about what the apostles did in the New Testament, I believe it.  I see it as the “more” Jesus spoke that we would do.

Lord, shower me in Your Presence today.  Cover every part of me.  Help me to more accurately represent You to the world around me.  You alone are God.  I serve You alone.  Remove any hindrance in my life.  Anything that stands in opposition to my walk with You.  I am Yours.  Fully Yours.  You are worthy of far more than I could ever give, so help me give what I have freely.  Help me make room for Your Presence to move in me every day.  And never, ever let another’s disbelief hold me back from walking freely with You.  I adore You, in Jesus name Amen.

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in Me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.  And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  You may ask for anything in My name, and I will do it.  John 14:12-14

May He come down like rain upon the mown grass, like showers that water the earth.  Psalm 72:6